Make eSignature your own

A high volume, highly reliable eSignature API that has processed millions of documents. Integrate Legalesign eSignature to automate your document signing processes.

White labelling

The API provides a flawless integration between your app and the Legalesign eSignature platform. Your customers experience your brand and your workflows.

Reliable REST API

The easy to use and proven REST API delivers a powerful set of functions that can be implemented in a number of different formats.


Use the API to frame the PDF edit page and the signing pages to make a truly integrated experience.

What is the API?

The API (application programming interface) is a RESTful API for access to the features of the Legalesign Platform. Customers use the API to either extend the functionality of their software, or to deploy eSignature for in-house projects, or to augment their wider use of the Legalesign platform through automation with systems such as Power Automate.

Why use the API?

With the API you can quickly bring scalable advanced eSignature functionality into your software, or internal IT systems. The Legalesign API allows you to programatically trigger electronic document signing to create a seamless, automated experience for your customers backed by the power of Legalesign's secure eSignature Platform.

If getting a document signed is integral to your or your customers’ workflows the Legalesign API can dramatically streamline the process, meaning documents get signed faster with no breaks to the workflow.

How does API work?

The Legalesign API has several integration options to suit different applications.

Using a secure REST API your systems can communicate with Legalesign and trigger a host of functionality.

  • Website integration - provide a signing page within your own website

  • Integrate into the Microsoft software suite via PowerAutomate

  • Software integration - Create a seamless signing experience

API Customer Stories

Ready to Start your Integration?

To start developing or using a Legalesign Plugin, you'll first need to get verified for API access to generate a key. Get in touch and we can help you through the process.

Key Features


Your trusted eSignature supplier for business.


Start Sending Documents with Legalesign Today

No Credit Card Required.


Frequently asked questions about eSignature API and Legalesign.

Have a question that is not answered here? Contact us and our award winning Support Team will be in touch.